Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have recently been tagged by a buddy of mine. I have a pretty small grasp of what being tagged means, but I think I know a little bit of what I'm doing. Please forgive me if I'm wrong. Here goes...

Who is your favorite male character and what book is he from?
That is tough, but I think I'm going to have to say that my favorite male character is Reepacheep from my all time favorite series, The Chronicles of Narnia. He so inclined to honor those his superiors and those around him, and to give his all for his King. I laugh when I think about it, but I actually look up to him.
Who is your favorite female character, and what is she in?
My favorite female character. Hmmmmm... I think that my favorite would have to be Annabeth Chase of The Percy Jackson Series. She self confident (in a good way) and has a deep love of knowledge and architecture.
Who is your favorite Author/ book series by him?
Definitely, without doubt, Clive Staples (C.S.) Lewis. He is a genius! My favorite book series by him has to be Narnia.
Who is your favorite character in a book you know someone else is writing?
Linx, in my brother's book newest book, The Beginning of Linx.
Least favorite character from a book you read?
Thanatos Argus bascania from the Erec Rex series.
Thanks, jake! I really enjoyed this!


Hannah Nicole said...

Cool, Seth! Interesting answers! :D

Ha, you look "up" to Reepicheep...:D


Chloé said...

seth i did not know that you were 1911 years old WOW.... your OLD. :D
