Monday, November 23, 2009

Not So Much

Yes, the picture may be crudely illustrated... not the best... Ok it's downright awful, but it gets the point across. No more fake global warming!!! A hacker just recently got into some scientist's emails and files that suggest that global warming is BOGUS - and put them out to the world online. The scientists didn't want to reveal the truth because their findings didn't support global warming. You can read about it HERE. I give that BIG times beans. Honestly. Well, now we know... is the world ending? Not so Much.


Eldarwen said...

I never thought the world was "ending" to begin with. :) People say that "Global Warming will melt all the ice and flood the world"... I think that's rediculous! Well, I guess it's not if you're not a Christian, but after God flooded the earth in Noah's time, He promised never to do it again (the rainbow being the sign of His promise). So, I never believed in Global Warming. It's kind of rediculous to me! Just another way to get American's to freak out and spend more money. *shrugs shoulders* :)


p.s. I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just stating my opinion. :) *hugs*

Josh $ said...

Agree with both of you all the way. is a great site for exposing the truth, if not a little hard to understand, as the site is run by PhDs. Great post, I did one of those photos. I searched Al Gore's movie poster for his movie "An Inconvenient Truth", which was a poster of a power plant (:P) and then i did the circle and X exactly like you did, Seth. Lol, finally the real truth is exposed. It's the same deal for the evolution vs. creation debate. But yeah.
Great post, Seth!
