Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good Bye Blogger, Hello Wordpress!

I have made up my mind and moved to Word Press. My new URL is www.sjskogerboe.wordpress.com , and I hope that you will subscribe. I will still read your posts here, though. See you there!


Eldarwen said...

It won't let me go to it. It says the url is inccorect. Anyways, I tagged you: http://thefaithfulelvenprincess.blogspot.com/2010/04/book-tag.html

If you've already done it, or don't want to, that's quite alright! :)


Brock Eastman said...

I tried to get to your blog. But it didn't work.

Bekah said...

Dude...I know you arrent on this blog anymore or somethingg, but thanks so much for your comment. I miss you and everyone else...I just miss like the security of homeschooling. so yeah. hows life?